Publish packages

Table of contents

  1. Publish packages
    1. Prepare
      1. Unregistered
      2. Registered
    2. Publish packages
      1. 1. Develop the package as a regular Unity project
      2. 2. Put .npmrc
      3. 3. Put package.json
      4. 4. Publish package
        1. npm
        2. yarn



User registration is performed from the command line.

npm adduser --registry

Authentication information is recorded in ~/.npmrc.


If you have already registered, log in from the command line.

npm login --registry

Authentication information is recorded in ~/.npmrc.

Publish packages

1. Develop the package as a regular Unity project

In principle, development with Unity 2019.1.0f2 or later is recommended.

There is no problem if the package you develop depends on other packages managed by Unofficial Unity Package Manager Registry.

2. Put .npmrc

Put .npmrc with the following contents in the root directory of the project.


3. Put package.json

Put package.json likes following content under the Assets/ directory.

    "name": "dev.monry.upm.sample-package",
    "displayName": "Sample Package",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "unity": "2019.1",
    "description": "Sample Package for Unofficial Unity Package Manager Registry",
    "author": {
        "name": "Tetsuya Mori",
        "url": ""
    "license": {
        "type": "MIT",
        "url": ""
    "keywords": ["sample"],
    "category": "",
    "dependencies": {
    "repository": {
        "type": "git",
        "url": ""

The following fields are required.

  • name
  • displayName
  • version

In principle fields supported by package.json are available.

Import package.json on Unity Editor so that package.json.meta is also generated to avoid errors when installed by Unity Package Manager.

4. Publish package

Publish package to Unofficial Unity Package Manager Registry using npm or yarn commands


npm publish Assets


yarn publish Assets

Note: When updating a package, the value of the "version" field of package.json needs to be changed.